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How do I rent a retail unit in Chrisp Street Market?

This site does not offer or manage available retail spaces at Chrisp Street Market however, you can find available spaces at the website below:

For further info, the Chrisp Street Management Office can also be located here:

I recently started doing business in or around Chrisp Street Market. How do I get listed in this directory?

Please just contact us with your business name, address, contact person and email. We will set up a complimentary directory listing and an account for you with temporary login credentials. You will then be able to add/edit/modify content about your business. If you have already registered a free listing before contacting us, there is no need to delete that listing. We will just upgrade your account where you will retain your free listing along with the new business listing.

I own/operate/manage a business listed on and would like to add/edit/modify the page. How do I do that?

If you run one of the businesses listed on, you can “Claim” your business so that you can post and control the content of that page. Even better, when you “Claim” your page, you get more features than a free listing such as an extra listing, more image uploads, video uploads (by URL), page views/traffic stats and more. To “Claim” your page,

  1. Navigate to the directory page and click the Claim (with the check mark) link located in the top banner next to the business name. You will be redirected to a login page.
  2. If you have not already registered, do so by clicking the “Register” link in the top right-hand side of the page. When you are registered, return to your business directory page and click the Claim link.
  3. On the “Claim Listing” page enter your name, email, phone and message. Once the form is submitted, someone will contact you (please allow up to 48 hours, excluding weekends/holidays) to verify you are indeed the claimant.
  4. When you have been verified as the claimant, you will have access to your dashboard and listings (you can have a total of 2 listings – the current listing and another for special promos, advertisements or whatever) where you can add, edit and modify content on the page.